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Sunrie's News

Posted by Sunrie - May 7th, 2009

Well, now that the audio issue has been fixed, I have successfully incorporated the VCam into the animation (all be it for one scene, but still...I know of it now for future animations), and the resetting of the scene has been completed, I'm down to the final stretch!

All that is left now is the final battle sequence. Since it's not going to be as involved as MK vs SF, Super Mario Bros Z, or Exiles it won't take me six months to produce the fights, which is always a plus, eh? Now, granted, I will be doing what I can with the sprites I have in order to have them mix it up pretty hard.

Yeah, it's only taken how long to get this thing rolling right? Through all the troubles, though, I kept pushing. I really wanted to make one final movie poster, but I think the ones I have up now are good enough to keep everyone tied over.

Posted by Sunrie - May 5th, 2009

Yes, I've gotten the audio to sync correctly once again! How? Well...unfortunately it wasn't with the advice given to me by everyone helping to resolve the issue...it was taking all the audio for that scene and dropping it into a movie clip.

Why did this work? I have NO CLUE. The down side is that I can't have the scene start in the middle of itself (for instance, after the talking and the start of the fighting) because a movie clip plays from the beginning regardless of where you select it down the timeilne. Another down side is figuring how to keep the epic battle music going as well... What I was hoping was that I could put the audio in the main timeline, but...that screws up the audio even when it's all in the movie clip.

So...there's something wrong with my MP3's being placed in the main timeline! What's causing it? I have no idea. It's set to 32kb/s in compression and recorded at 256kb/s.

The silver lining for the problems is that I've learned even more for future animations.

Well, for the music issue I'm just going to use math... At least it will be simple math!

I don't know why, but the symbol containing Ron's instance for the scene is completely screwy! Sometimes it was to many frames, some times not enough...I don't know what the hell caused it. I know that I didn't do it because it is completely inconsistent, and I used matching frames to edit him...oh well...he's fixed now.

Also, Wyld has agreed to let me epic up the fight with Shadow and...sorry, not saying! No, it isn't Evil K I'm referring to. I have my own reasons...mostly to prove that the Game Ranger is being done in the style it is for a reason other than any kind of lack of skill. I'm going to make it a little more brutal than I originally planned.

After GR3 we'll be penning out the ideas for the fourth installment, and depending on a few situations, I will move back into doing a project I started a while ago, but abandoned because of time and doing things the hard way causing too many issues. Now that I know more correct techniques, things can be better

Posted by Sunrie - May 5th, 2009

Okay, I never knew about VCam before...after reading through some of R1665's posts about his progress on the new Exile's movie he's making, he kept referring to something called VCam. Also, in his post to me about some audio syncing issue's I've been having, he was asking if I was making things larger or zooming in when I meant "scaling".

I meant both, but his question obviously had deeper questions because he said it was very important as to what I meant.

Well, I decided to look up VCam and I have shit my self. As I have always said, I'm self taught and don't know much about the program, and have probably been doing things the hard way. Well, I didn't realize just how hard I've been doing things!

So...VCam...it's a virtual camera...too awesome. Now I don't have to manually zoom in on things and resize them in a timeline unless it's absolutely necessary. Now I can create a zoom in on a character without too much work! Yeah, I'm stoked. This means I can finally just do the characters in a symbol instance and then make it size I want ONCE in the _root timeline and use the camera to zoom in and out of the action.

I certainly hope this ends up working to correct the sound issue I'm having. If not, at least now I have the AS coding for future projects. Man...the possibilities for sprite fights has just gone up...now I understand how a lot of these animators have been producing the quality of battles they have.

Now, I still have to redo the scene, basically, but this is epic.

Also, looks like I'm going to be grouping and resizing...

Posted by Sunrie - May 4th, 2009

Yeah...it's still happening...It's the fucking audio which is getting delayed, not the animation, which is just odd and STUPID.

I've changed everything over...and now the last hope is dumping it all into the _root timeline...

Nope...that didn't work... I even made a new .FLA file with only the scene in question. Result: The audio is messed up in a blank .FLA file with only that scene playing from the very beginning. So...what's the issue? It doesn't make any sense to me for it to be doing that...

The only other thing I can think of is placing the audio in a movie clip and running it the length of the scene...

Posted by Sunrie - May 2nd, 2009

I'm still working on making things right... It's taking a lot longer than I originally thought it would in order to convert the bitmaps into the symbols, place them in frame, and then replace the original symbol with the fixed version.

Bad news? I have no idea if this is actually going to end up fixing everything *L* Well, more than likely it will. I ran into a similar issue when I did Phoenix Wrong: Appalling Justice the first time. R1665 is right, the program does not like the raw bitmaps being animated and they should be converted to symbols. The file size is still very small, so that's not an issue.

Posted by Sunrie - April 28th, 2009

Game Ranger 3 is giving me problems and I don't know how to fucking fix it! Everything has been fine with the syncing and timing until today!

Why? I don't fucking know! Out of the blue anything new added is at least three frames delayed when it comes to audio and because of that, the audio for the epilogue is WAY off now!

So...I'm going to have to keep animating like I have been, but then convert the entire scene to a movie clip with the audio embedded inside like I used to do... HOWEVER, this prevents me from being able to start the clip mid-scene!!!!!!!!

Why is that so bad? Well, because now I can't animate normally and then drop off the viewer where I want them. In other words, I can't break scene 3 into two pieces seamlessly anymore... Now I have to find a way to break it up into two separate sections with the correct timing...ARGH!!!!!!!

This shit always ends up fucking happening...I don't know why the audio, placed in the root timeline, is suddenly playing out of sync with the animation starting at one certain point....it's completely fine up until when Ganon delivers his line, but then it goes way off!
Well...making it a movie clip didn't do shit...so I'm posting the question to the BBS

Posted by Sunrie - April 25th, 2009

However...I will keep working on the Game Ranger. I always feel like things don't look as good when I'm this heartbroken and depressed, but none-the-less it's going forward. I'm close to finishing, thank goodness.

Well...I went ahead and decided to do another poster really quick...

High-Def Game Ranger 3 - Random Poster (COLOR)

High-Def Game Ranger 3 - Random Poster (BW)

Yes I am depressed as fuck...still working

Posted by Sunrie - April 24th, 2009

Yeah, I'm still working on it. The root canal was fine. I only felt the initial pinch from the shots in the mouth. I have to go back next Friday to get the permanent filling, but as of now it's all good.

A lot of vibration hurts the tooth still, but voice recording should be just fine. I'm thinking I'll skip the line of Sonic going ape shit screaming, though...it'll work without it.

Posted by Sunrie - April 21st, 2009

Yep, the good news is that I haven't had to record the voices I thought I would have to as I haven't yet reached that part of the animation. What this all means is that I've been able to work on the Game Ranger 3 even with having to deal with this tooth problem.

My appointment is April 23rd (Thursday) for the root canal, so that day is basically shot to Hell for anything with getting things done...at least that's what I'm expecting.

Today I am finishing up the scene which leads to the appearance of Evil K! That means all I need to do is choreograph the fight with the characters, fix a few items in the credits, and post it!!!!!!

Yes, it is THAT close to being finished! The script changed even as we were working on the animation and such changes are noted in the "Extras" section. There's even a spot for deleted audio.

Hang with me...it's getting finished! You'll feel that it was worth the extra bits of time to get it finished when you see the completed project.

Posted by Sunrie - April 17th, 2009

I'm thinking as clearly as possible to type this, because when I first take this stuff it makes me very disconnected and high.

Turns out I need a root canal on my #25 (bottom, front-right tooth) because the root is dying out, thanks to a severe motor vehicle accident I was involved in seven years ago.

What does this mean? A VERY SLIGHT, and I mean very slight, delay in my ability to work on the Game Ranger 3 as I have to record a few more lines for Sonic (played by myself) and that isn't likely to happen too well.

The good news is, I may be getting a compressor mic soon, which means even higher quality audio