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Age 44


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Sunrie's News

Posted by Sunrie - October 18th, 2012

Well, I was finally able to get another animation piece out. Just wish it was Game Ranger 4! It's not, but it's still good and really funny.

Worked on this for quite some time...between Borderlands 2 play and work that is *LOL* Don't let that fool you, the animation is high quality.

Go and check that bitch out: Super Mario Super Shorts @ Newgrounds.com

Posted by Sunrie - October 1st, 2012

Ok, well, I have a lot done on Game Ranger 4 and just a bit left to do...however, the part of Richter seems to be cursed and I no longer have lines nor an actor for the part. His back story is a major piece of the animation and he's a huge character in the Game Ranger mythos. If you are interested and can commit, then contact me!

Other than that, things have been busy and the progress has ben slow. Due to multiple hangups on GR4, it is on a pause in progress.

I am, though, working on another animation comprised of short skits. No, sorry, its not Holy Sprites 3. Think of it more as a continuation of my Mario Bros. shorts I have done in the past. Instead of just focusing on one character, I have most of the cast making appearances. As of now, nine scenes are completed with atenth in the works. I don't know how many will end up being in the animation total, but I won't make it really short. So far it's longer than Shell Trouble, but shorter than Fire Flower Folly. My goal is to make it at least as long as the latter.

That's it for now I guess. More news to come later.

Posted by Sunrie - April 11th, 2012

Sometimes I forget people don't know Ron is a real person we're making fun of in this series. Granted, he deserves it, as you'll soon learn. We've been making random "Ron" movies for a little while now, even though the majority of them are not uploaded here, and there's quite a few inside jokes. Luckily, many of the inside jokes work well in the Game Ranger series since they're funny in the movies even if you don't know anything about the real Ron.

I figure it's time to shed a little light on all of this "Who is Ron?" questioning I often get. So...here's the story of Ron:

It's June of the year 1995 and I just turned 14 the previous September (1994). The Internet is still something new and my computer is a blazing fast 75MHrz Pentium with a smoking quick 28.8kb/ps dial-up modem. Wyldfyre1 (from here on out just called Wyldfyre) and I had been friends for quite some already and introduced me to a chatline at a place called Chatalyst. One of the chatrooms was a free-form roleplaying room called The Zocalo. I guess it was actually supposed to be a place for sci-fi chat since it was named after the cafe on Babylon 5, but no one gave a damn. I had been doing free-form roleplaying on a chatline from the CCN called The Red Dragon Inn...which is funny, because CCN was a "Christian Chat Network"...but I never knew that and hardly anyone else did who went there as well. I also had a "bitchin'" Geocities website with a whole 3MB of space!

So, I get into the chatline and immediately start playing my character "Freedan, the Sunrie" and he playing "Wyldfyre Knight". Now you know where we got the handles from as well. The chatting was good, the players were cool, and the group eventually expanded so much we ended up with the "Chatalyst Knights" as a player group and had many free-form "adventures" with everyone else who chatted in that room.

Fast forward two years and suddenly a new person appears. The handle? "Knight Killer King" aka the KKK. Yes, he straight up said he was the KKK. This was actually the very first troll for the chatline in over two years. He couldn't figure out the 10-key code to replicate our special character after the name, so he would make random ones. He didn't so much as actually role play as he would state things such as, "*...and grabs you by the back of your neck, forcing his dick down your throat and pissing like crazy because you're a fucking faggot*" Never mind he's the one claiming to shove his dick down someone's throat... He continued to do this every single day for hours on end, even when no one was talking to him or acknowledging his presence.

Well, remember, this is the time when the Internet was still young and most people weren't very smart in the way things worked. I obtained his IP address, did a reverse look up, found out his provider, then linked it back to his father's account. From that, I was able to learn who HE was, since he doesn't have any brothers or sisters. His name is Ron Allen Saiver and lived in Washington at the time. Since I had all the information, I also was able to obtain his home phone number and I posted it. Many, many, many people began to spam fuck his home phone line with auto-dialers from their computer and blocking their own numbers from being retrievable.

Being as stupid as he was, he created a website of his own...and posted pictures of himself. Remember the fat star wars kid? Think of a slightly skinnier version of that and a receding hairline. Now picture him trying to crouch for a webcam while holding 2 Yahoo!Shops quality stainless steel katanas as if trying to pose like Miyamato Musashi. No, I'm not kidding. True or not, this guy would post up his entire life. This all before blogging was big even! According to him, he used to work at Burger King, but quit, and then was a security guard...but was fired... I don't know how you really accomplish all that by the age of 17, but he managed to do it!

With the help of a friend, who I will not name, I managed to put a trojan on his computer allowing me not only view all files on his computer, but reset it or shut it off any time I wanted. Each time he got online, I was sent a message, "Master, I'm online...here's my IP address!" with the IP address posted after that sentence. Well...Wyldfyre, Maximus2142, and a few other friends, whom are not on Newgrounds, were all looking through his files. He always claimed he had his own computer, so everything we found on this hard drive then was, according to him, obviously things he kept. We found CP. Yes, kiddie porn...and quite a bit of it. So, not only did we wipe his HD of everything except for Windows and the slave program, but we also reported him anonymously. I don't know what came of the report, but from what I can tell, he never was arrested, but we did our part.

Well, life goes on, I forget about him, joined the Army, served my time, and decided I didn't want to go career. I get a message from one of my old chatline friends who tell me to check my Geocities page. I forget I even had it, and was surprised to hear it was even up given it had been a solid 5 years since I even logged into the account. What did I see? Every day, for four years, this dumb ass had gone on to my message book (remember those?) and left all kinds of insults and slander. I couldn't help except for laugh. He even put his chatline handle and his first name on each post. I'm not kidding when I say every day and multiple times per day. Up to seven times each day he posted on there. I don't know how or why he thought I would be on there to check it...who knows?

Oh, but it gets better...he has a new website, since the newly named Yahoo!Geocities says they are closing down. On this new website, he has made up a story that I am suing him and taking him to the TV show The People's Court. Yeah...exactly. It not only didn't have my full, real name on it, it was dated during a time I was over seas in a sand country. When I was supposed to have had the time during operations to file this alleged lawsuit and appear when I wasn't even allowed to tell my parents where I was is a mystery to me. Again, I couldn't help but laugh my ass off.

I once again left it all alone, thinking what a loser Ron was, took care of the family business as the head of advertising/marketing, then put myself through the police academy graduating #1 over 57 cadets. I go do my thing, only talking to Wyldfyre and Maximus2142 out of all the people who used to go to the chatlines, since I knew them in real life anyway.

Over the years Ron had gained a few convoluting trolls. Their names are Willow and Templar. How I found out about this is because I was invited to a chatline friend's website where he had a message board which didn't require sign up. It was really more of a very old school BBS rather than the structured forums we have now. I couldn't believe it...Ron had gone from the Chatalyst, which was now closed down, to this website! A lot of people from the chatline migrated there after it closed since they could still post back and forth to each other. I go on, say hello to everyone, and then I don't post again. About three months later I get an e-mail asking me when the last time I had been there was. I tell her, and she tells me I really need to read the site again. I do so and was amazed. Not only is this now damn near ten years after Ron made his first appearance, but he's still at it...doing the same damn thing! This mother fucker is almost 30 and he's still acting that way.

What happened is he reposted my note to everyone but changed everything around to be homosexual and what not. Again, I didn't care and just thought it was sad, and kind of funny he was still such a loser. He even posted how he finally got a job...at a Jack in the Box. Me? Between working the force and the family business, I was living in a private condo in the Rocky Mountains over looking a lake. Besides Ron, there were two new faces joining in on the act. Those two were...yea, I mentioned it, Willow and Templar. Turns out Willow really was her name. She actually lived not far from where I used to when I was in Southern California. Templar was basically Ron's butt buddy. They weren't the same person, we made sure, but every time Ron did or said anything, Templar was there bending over and waving the pom-poms. Remember when I said I didn't post in three months? Well, those three continued to act as if I was still around, because they got on some kind of kick and just kept going with it. One of them, not sure which, tried to impersonate me, but failed getting the tripcode correct, and a few of the much less intelligent people, thought I had actually posted one of the thing they did. I don't remember...something about one of the other former chatters having three abortions or something strange...don't ask.

I didn't even bother posting and never went back. Wyldfyre and Maximus tell me they have a program called Swish and they can make movies on it. At this point I had already started to teach myself to use Flash MX as well. They showed me the first ever "Adventures of Ron". It was a crude animation, not uploaded here, showing Ron meeting his greatest hero...Michael Jackson at Disneyland. Several other movies were made, and I decided to try my hand on it. So, I made "The Adventures of Ron: Donkeyball Z". This was the first time I attempted to make an actual movie and it was also the first time we made a script. Again, it was a crude animation using cut outs instead of actual animation or even sprites. I didn't really know what I was doing, and it shows quite a bit, but it was still funny. After that, Wyldfyre and Maximus2142 made a few more, as well as other people sending in their fan made Adventures of Ron, and I made "The Great Gimpkin, Ronny Brown".

Fast forward a bit again, and now comes the time when I learn how to actually animate sprites. I still don't really know what I'm doing in the program...again this can be seen...but Game Ranger scores very, very well and now I'm pumped up. While making "Phoenix Wrong: Inspired Justice", I learn a few animation tricks and apply them to Game Ranger 2. Again, Game Ranger 2 does very well, even better than the first, so I decided to remake the original Game Ranger. Game Ranger EX scores even better right off the bat, so I start in on Game Ranger 3....which gets me my first trophy, which is a Daily 4th. Go me!

Now we're on Game Ranger 4, I'm an EMT working on getting into Med School, and you know the full backstory of the actual Ron. Now that you have more insight into everything, especially knowing Ron is a real person, hopefully things will be even funnier for you.


Cast (Alphabetical Character Order):

Aku - ShockDingo

Blinky - Seshido

Claude - Clovis15

Crono - KTRecords

Fat Fairy - Druids-Warcry

Inky - KTRecords

Janus/Magus - Laserkid

Kinto - Sunrie (me)

Komori - LuccaComet

Ms Pac-man - Courtney Dias-Oakry

Naruki - Adidaas

Pac-man - Wyldfyre1

Pinky - Emily

Princess Willow - LuccaComet

Richter Belmont - KTRecords

Ron - Maximus2142

Spekkio - Sunrie (me)

Subarashii - Seshido

Washi - VaughnJohnson2000

Yep! Big cast and high quality cast. Honestly, I can't wait to be finished. Every song, except the intro, is straight from the Newgrounds Audio Portal. When you see the intro, which is skippable, but I don't suggest you do, you'll understand why I didn't go with an Audio Portal song.

Here's a nice little preview still of the intro. Bonus points if you know what the pic details for the intro I'm mimicing...Wyldfyre, Maximus2142, Laserkid, and Clovis15...you guys don't get to play! You already know. ;)

Real life Ron backstory and full GR4 cast list

Posted by Sunrie - April 9th, 2012

Okay, the fourth installment of the Game Ranger series is coming along very well. I have all the needed voice files from all the actors, the credits sequence is finished, the first scene will be 100% by Monday, scene 3 will be finished tonight, the fight scene will show I can animate action, a brand new full length intro, and...well...it's just looking good all over.

What has taken so long on everything? Mostly waiting for Maximus2142 (voice actor for Ron) to find the time to record all the lines. Also, getting an actor for Janus/Magus was a pain in the ass. Laserkid did a fantastic job and will be the voice actor for Janus/Magus in all episodes from here on out as well.

In addition to that, my medical classes have been taking a lot of my time with studying when I'm not working. Medical classes + full time job = no time.

I'd love to post a screen shot of work in progress, but I'm on my cell phone right now, so that's not going to happen. Once I can, I will post something.

Posted by Sunrie - September 29th, 2011

There are still a few voices we need to finalize Captain R: The Game Ranger 4 (Memories of a Lost Time). They each have quite a bit of lines, especially Richter, who we are revealing the backstory for. Here's the list of lines:

Magus/Janus - (Unfortunately Echnaret is unable to do the voice this time around)
-Congratulations to LaserKid for the part!

Blinky - (From Pacman)
-Congratulations to Seshido for the part!

Ms Pacman - (From Ms Pacman)
-Congratulations to Courtney Dias-Oakry for the part!

Richter Belmont - (From Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Castlevania: Nocturne of the Moonlight)
-Congratulations to KTRecords for the part

Well, there's the voices that we need. I'm looking forward to receiving many quality auditions, just like so the animations in the past did.

Submit your audtions to me by way of the Newgrounds Dump in .RAR/Zip format through PM's. Please state what character you are auditioning for and how you would like to be credited (NG name or real name) if you are selected. I WILL notify everyone who receives a part and if you don't, then why I didn't chose you.
Ron has been recast as well. Congratulations to TheShadowDragon26
**Screen shot is of work in progress**

Last few characters needed for GR4

Posted by Sunrie - September 20th, 2011

Alright, while I wasn't initially going to do a Holy Sprites 3, JoeyNG talked me into it. Before going into detail about entry styles, here's how your entries need to be setup:

1. Action Script 2 VCam MUST be used!
-The VCam we're using can be downloaded here: AS2 VCam (It's on the NGDump)

2. Flash CS4 or older

3. Stage size is 640x360 (wide screen)

4. FPS is 30

5. Skit should land somewhere between five to sixty seconds.
-If it's worth it, I am very willing to allow more time

6. Skit must be placed into a movie clip and not in the main timeline

7. Library must be organized into at least one folder for neatness and your library files must be labeled in a manner much like what follows: WhatItIs-WhoItBelongsTo
-Yes! This includes your bitmaps and symbols

8. Deadline is open to ensure quality of collab

9. This is a quality over quantity collab, so just because you make a skit does not mean it will go in
-Think of your skit as an audition

10. If your skit is selected, you must add me to your Portal Buddies so you may receive co-author credit to the left of the movie in the portal
-If you aren't placed in the co-author section, you still will receive full acknowledgement in the collab's credits

11. You must let me know the name and artist of all songs (NGAudio # if from Audio Portal)

Whew...okay, the technical stuff is over and done with! However, there is more. Hey, we gotta ensure this stays as fresh as possible, right? Here are the rules for actual content:

1. No Internet memes
-I don't want people laughing over mudkips, screaming "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU!", or things like that

2. Don't use common and predictable jokes
-No Mario impaling his ass on a flag pole or Sonic running into a wall and splatting...you know, those kinds of things

3. Use music from the Audio Portal
-There are so many very, very talented people over there and the music is free to use for Portal entries

4. All game sprites are welcome
-Got a creative use for Phoenix Wright sprites? Hey, that's cool, go ahead and do it. Original sprites are always a huge bonus, too

5. Start posting in the BBS Post
-Little previews of your WiP is appreciated so we can give feed back and suggestions if needed

Okay, for now, that should be all. There are already a lot of entries coming in from a few artists, and they are top quality. So, what are you waiting for? I mean, seriously...Come on and get a jump on Holy Sprites 3: Random Select

Holy Sprites 3: Random Select (Collab) Open

Posted by Sunrie - June 10th, 2011

There are still a few voices we need to finalize Captain R: The Game Ranger 4 (Memories of a Lost Time). They each have quite a bit of lines, especially Richter, who we are revealing the backstory for. Here's the list of lines:

Magus/Janus - (Unfortunately Echnaret is unable to do the voice this time around)
-He should sound a little eccentric and maybe even fruity, but his strengths and frustrations should come through. To get an idea, check out the last scene in the Game Ranger 3 for his voice.

Magus Line Sample:
"Look, Game Ranger, when I told you that you could use the End of Time as your base of operations, I assumed you would actually be doing something besides making a mess of the place."

Blinky - (From Pacman)
-Another ghost from Pacman? YEP! Blinky is the red ghost in the game. This individual likes to keep his cool and has a strong British accent. Not over the top, but think of the cockney accent of Dick van Dyke's character, Bert, in Mary Poppins.

Blinky Line Samples:
"If you'd just give me a moment, I'd learn that, for Heaven's sake!"

Ms Pacman - (From Ms Pacman)
-Unlike the cartoon version of Ms Pacman on the Pacman Show, this Ms Pacman should sound older, near her 40's, and still have a sexy and sensual sounding voice. The tone of the voice should be soft and seductive as well.

Ms Pacman Line Sample:
"Hey...you don't look like a power pellet. You don't look like one of those ghosts, either. What in the world are you?"

Komori - (Original character - Dragon Ball Z/Shonen Jump! style game world)
Congratulations to LuccaComet for the part!

Subarashii - (Original character - Dragon Ball Z/Shonen Jump! style game world)
Congratulations to Seshido for the part!

Richter Belmont - (From Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Castlevania: Nocturne of the Moonlight)
-He is a major part of the storyline and has a deep backstory which is revealed in this episode. His voice should sound rich and deep with a touch of sadness. Major amounts of emotion must be portrayed with this character while he tells his story.

Richter Belmont Line Sample:
"As you know, it is the burden of my family to rise against evil time, and time again...

From our birth we are trained in combatitive strategies and martial arts.

Since my ancestor, Leon, took possession of the whip, known as the Vampire Killer, born of alchemy using the blood of a loved one, the family's fate has been sealed.

Even with the terrors stalking in the night, none of us Belmonts awake in the soothing morning's light expecting the king of all vampires to arise."

Well, there's the voices that we need. I'm looking forward to receiving many quality auditions, just like so the animations in the past did.

Submit your audtions to me by way of one of the many free uploaders, such as MediaFire or FileShare in .RAR/Zip format through PM's. Please state what character you are auditioning for and how you would like to be credited (NG name or real name) if you are selected. I WILL notify everyone who receives a part and if you don't, then why I didn't chose you.

**Screen shot is of work in progress**

Still need voices for Game Ranger 4

Posted by Sunrie - August 27th, 2010

Alright, everyone. We're ready to start the fourth installment to the Game Ranger series. The story for this one has changed FIVE TIMES, and has been finalized. We're introducing some original characters and bringing in some retro ones for you nostalgia junkies. In addition, we're showing what's been going on with Princess Willow and providing a huge bit of back story for one of the other main characters.

So, what do I need from you? Well, some pretty bad ass voice acting with a clear mic and set in MP3 format. What characters do we need voices for? Well, lucky for you, I've decided to go ahead and release the character list so you know exactly what you're auditioning for (unlike when I did SFvsDBZ).

What YOU will not be expected to do is swear up a storm. The only character that we will have with the obscenities is Ron, as that's his persona in this series.

Okay, so here's the list and how they should sound:

Magus/Janus - (Unfortunately Echnaret is unable to do the voice this time around)
-He should sound a little eccentric and maybe even fruity, but his strengths and frustrations should come through. To get an idea, check out the last scene in the Game Ranger 3 for his voice.

Magus Line Sample:
"Look, Game Ranger, when I told you that you could use the End of Time as your base of operations, I assumed you would actually be doing something besides making a mess of the place."

Crono - (From Chrono Trigger)
Congratulations to KTRecords for the part!

Inky - (From Pacman)
Congratulations to KTRecords for the part!"

Blinky - (From Pacman)
-Another ghost from Pacman? YEP! Blinky is the red ghost in the game. This individual likes to keep his cool and has a strong British accent. Not over the top, but think of the cockney accent of Dick van Dyke's character, Bert, in Mary Poppins.

Blinky Line Samples:
"If you'd just give me a moment, I'd learn that, for Heaven's sake!"

Claude - (From Pacman)
Congratulations to Clovis15 for the part!

Pinky - (From Pacman)
Congratulations to Emily for the part!

Ms Pacman - (From Ms Pacman)
-Unlike the cartoon version of Ms Pacman on the Pacman Show, this Ms Pacman should sound older, near her 40's, and still have a sexy and sensual sounding voice. The tone of the voice should be soft and seductive as well.

Ms Pacman Line Sample:
"Hey...you don't look like a power pellet. You don't look like one of those ghosts, either. What in the world are you?"

Komori - (Original character - Dragon Ball Z/Shonen Jump! style game world)
Congratulations to LuccaComet for the part!

Subarashii - (Original character - Dragon Ball Z/Shonen Jump! style game world)
Congratulations to Seshido for the part!

Aku - (Original character - Dragon Ball Z/Shonen Jump! style game world)
Congratulations to Shock-Dingo for the part!

Washi - (Original character - Dragon Ball Z/Shonen Jump! style game world)
Congratulations to VauhnJohnson2000 for the part!

Naruki - (Original character - Dragon Ball Z/Shonen Jump! style game world)
Congratulations to Adidaas for the part!

Fat Fairy - (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
Congratulations to Druids-Warcry for the part!

Richter Belmont - (From Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Castlevania: Nocturne of the Moonlight)
-He is a major part of the storyline and has a deep backstory which is revealed in this episode. His voice should sound rich and deep with a touch of sadness. Major amounts of emotion must be portrayed with this character while he tells his story.

Richter Belmont Line Sample:
"As you know, it is the burden of my family to rise against evil time, and time again...

From our birth we are trained in combatitive strategies and martial arts.

Since my ancestor, Leon, took possession of the whip, known as the Vampire Killer, born of alchemy using the blood of a loved one, the family's fate has been sealed.

Even with the terrors stalking in the night, none of us Belmonts awake in the soothing morning's light expecting the king of all vampires to arise."

Princess Willow - (Original Game Ranger character)
Congratulations to LuccaComet for the part!
Well, there's the voices that we need. I'm looking forward to receiving many quality auditions, just like so the animations in the past did.

Submit your audtions to me by way of one of the many free uploaders, such as MediaFire or FileShare in .RAR/Zip format through PM's. Please state what character you are auditioning for and how you would like to be credited (NG name or real name) if you are selected. I WILL notify everyone who receives a part and if you don't, then why I didn't chose you.

**Screen shot is of work in progress**

Open Casting for Game Ranger 4!

Posted by Sunrie - August 23rd, 2010

Is it true? Can the main outline of the Game Ranger 4 script be finished? YES!!! That's right, bitches, Wyldfyre1 and I have finished, from start to finish, the first draft of the script for Game Ranger 4. Let me tell you, it's definitely the best script we've written for any "Adventures of Ron" episode, ever.

We're introducing more characters, and six original ones. I'll be showcasing new animation abilities, to really set the Game Ranger apart from common sprite animations, and the dialogue, along with the acting, will be top notch. Expect some custom animations as well. Oh, and the mouths will look better. No more just blocks of color...but actual mouths this time around.

What do we have planned? Well, alot! Okay, okay...a good bit of information that I can give you is that the credit sequence will be a parody to "To Far Away Times" from Chrono Trigger. There will be an 'extras' section and a bonus scene as well. Be looking forward to getting a nice big chunk of back story for one of the main characters as well.

We will be holding open auditions for the characters we do need voices for once we finalize the script. We'll be needing quite a few, actually, so if you're interested, be sure to let us know when we are ready to take those auditions.

When will it be done? Like SFvsDBZ and Diablo III...when it's done, that's when. Remember, we're still making sure that the script is strong, there are no gaping plot holes, and the dialogue flows smoothly. It won't be too long, though, before we open up the voice auditions. I'm already working on the animation for the credits.

Until it's done...see you all!

Game Ranger 4 First Draft Script Done

Posted by Sunrie - August 5th, 2010

Holy Sprites 2 - The Games Not Over

Yeah, after a lot of long work and effort, it's finally been released. 12 artists and 33 scenes completed.

Really looking forward to the reviews and votes. Always looking to improve.

I'm still working on SFvsDBZ as well, but that'll take more time.

Thank you, Tom, for granting a larger file size so quickly

Holy Sprites 2 - The Games Not Over

Congratulations to all the artists on the Daily 4th Prize