Okay, the fourth installment of the Game Ranger series is coming along very well. I have all the needed voice files from all the actors, the credits sequence is finished, the first scene will be 100% by Monday, scene 3 will be finished tonight, the fight scene will show I can animate action, a brand new full length intro, and...well...it's just looking good all over.
What has taken so long on everything? Mostly waiting for Maximus2142 (voice actor for Ron) to find the time to record all the lines. Also, getting an actor for Janus/Magus was a pain in the ass. Laserkid did a fantastic job and will be the voice actor for Janus/Magus in all episodes from here on out as well.
In addition to that, my medical classes have been taking a lot of my time with studying when I'm not working. Medical classes + full time job = no time.
I'd love to post a screen shot of work in progress, but I'm on my cell phone right now, so that's not going to happen. Once I can, I will post something.