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Age 44


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Sunrie's News

Posted by Sunrie - May 2nd, 2010

Okay, here you will find updates on the Holy Sprites 2 collab project.

Current Lineup (those with submissions in):
Outcast Labs

Openings Available:
No. Artist Entry is now closed.

Current Scene Count:

Due Date for Entry:
August 1st, 2010 - Entries are now all in and the animation is being compiled.

What's the Idea?:
A long play list of skits developed by strong sprite animators for the enjoyment of everyone. Animations are to be humorous and can be mixed with action.

1. You must be a good sprite animator
2. If you don't have any submissions, you must provide a sample of what you are able to produce
3. VCam is highly requested, but not required
4. Files listed+created as I instruct when submitted
5. Only the best will be used
6. Logo must be present
7. Skit to be 5 to 30 seconds (if longer is needed and worth it, exceptions can and will be made)
8. Up to four skits per animator are allowed
9. Be as original as possible
10. ALL sprites are allowed (Phoenix Wright, 16bit, 8bit, 4bit, etc...does not matter, just must be GOOD)

1. Flash 8 Compatible (I do not have a newer version of Flash) and AS2.0 or older
2. 550 x 400 project size (VCam dimensions)
3. 30fps
4. BG color will be set to black in main file
5. BG graphics are of your choosing
6. Music set to stream

Submission Instructions:
1. All complete animations set inside a movie clip
2. Logo for yourself must be present in your scene
3. Name your files in this style: YourName - WhatYouNamedIt - WhatSceneItIs [this will prevent overwriting of files from other artists]
4. Submitted in either the *.FLA or *.RAR/*.ZIP format
5. A bio write up with the following setup:
- Make either a drawn image or a sprite image of your choosing to represent yourself
- Name
- Age
- Why do you animate sprites
- Why you are part of this collab or a little more about yourself

So, how awesome is that? So awesome! If you're interested, drop your name here: (http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 164044), along with your idea on what you're going to submit. Keep posting your updates from Spam The Web on here to a minimum only for the fact that way people will get a treat when they finally get a chance to see the finished product.

Holy Sprites 2 (Collab) Official Post

Posted by Sunrie - May 2nd, 2010

Collab Thread: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/11 64044

Well, I've decided to go ahead and open up Holy Sprites 2 as a collab project. A few things made this decision for me. One of those is I figured I need some alternate flavor (style if you will) in this sequel. I've been working on it for a while by myself, so I have quite a few scenes already produced.

Image is part of one of the scenes I made...mostly to satisfy front page post.

I'm looking for excellent sprite animators to participate. All the information can be found in the collab thread. Only the best are going to be accepted and used. Full credit will be given to all participants as well. Any sprites are acceptable, by the way.

What are you waiting for? Let's get to work!

Collab Thread: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/11 64044

Holy Sprites 2 is now a Collab effort, come join!

Posted by Sunrie - May 1st, 2010

Kick, fucking, ass! I'm able to work on all the animations again. I'm currently working on three projects, but only two of those are in the animating phase.

I want to get SFvsDBZ done before anything else, though, but the script for Game Ranger 4 has changed completely, again...so, expect that to be going on. Holy Sprites 2 is a here and there project with the animation started. I'm thinking of making it a collab with other artists...Maybe call it Holy Sprites 2: A Spriter is You! Who knows.

Posted by Sunrie - April 9th, 2010

Okay, the deal has been closed and I'm getting things settled. I won't have Internet for a few days at the new place, but finally...FINALLY...I can get to work again after this weekend!

Posted by Sunrie - March 30th, 2010

Yes, I promise. I'm still in the process of moving and doing all that shit, but don't worry, the project isn't dead or anything like that.

In the meantime, you can catch up on what I'm up to on Xanga...which is mostly writing. I don't have my external HDD with me, so I can't work on the project, but that doesn't mean I'm not doing anything for it. Wyldfyre1 is working on some new music for it, too.

Catch me on Xanga: Sunrie.Xanga.com

Posted by Sunrie - February 18th, 2010

Yeah, sadly...with the house being sold, I'm pretty much homeless until I can find a new place. I won't have access to any of my things, save for my hand held video game systems (PsP and DS), so it's not like I can update.

If I manage to find a way to afford a laptop, then I can work on my animations and do some writing. Until then, however, this is the last entry until further notice.

Posted by Sunrie - February 6th, 2010

I know it may look like a while since I've posted a "What's Done?" about the animation, but rest assured, it's being worked on. It's been less of a priority of mine to make an update as to what was done as it has been to finish it.

In addition, Tetsunoko vs Capcom has actually helped me with choreography. How? Well, some custom Ken sprites to match some of the moves Ryu can do with his combos have been made, and some insane Chun-Li combos will be used which I found in the game for the animation.

Also, sadly, in a few days I will be basically homeless for a while. The house has sold and I don't really have anywhere else to go at this time. So, don't expect a lot done and change for a little while. I'll do what I can when I can, though.

I'm happy with how things are turning out thus far, and will be thrilled once this is finished.

Posted by Sunrie - October 8th, 2009

**Update: 02-08-2010**
Sorry for the lack of updates! I AM working on it, promise! Things are just hectic. I also got a 23" HD wide-screen monitor for Christmas, which owns.

Okay...this is going to be my official update section! If, for some reason, I need to make another news post about something else, I'll remake this one so it's the most recent one you see (after the other one has been up for a while).

Heads up...my part time job has become full time and I'm doing courses online full time (signed up way too late for regular classes at the local college), so things have been slow going. I am making progress, however, so don't fret.

Here's a nice little movie poster for right now:

SF vs DBZ Poster 1


So, what needs to be done and what has been done?

Preloader: I hadn't even thought about it until just now...

Menu Selection: 100% Finished

Bonus Items: 100% Finished for all bios, author, and world descriptions

Prologue: Only have the initial attack sparks and Eliza walking

First Fight/First Scene: All except the ending of the fight is finished (don't judge this animation based on the first fight. I did it this way on purpose) / Background made / Conversation finished

Second Scene: Background constructed, but no characters

Third Scene/Second Fight: Basic background constructed / First moments of the fight are done in the air. Just got the move to get Chun-Li back to the ground and have the fight resume / Music placed / First few moments of ground fight placed

Fourth Scene: Not started

Fifth Scene/Third Fight: Not started

Sixth Scene: Not started

Seventh Scene/Fourth Fight: Not started

Eighth Scene: Background made / Characters placed / 100% of the dialogue set / Music set / VCam positions set / Custom sprite poses for Gohan made and placed / Portal placed

Credits: Music placed / Title placed / Actors placed / Some music placed / *Rethinking how Credits will be done*

Music Acquisition: All music acquired

Voice Actors: I am only waiting on Nakoruru, but her computer is toasted still, so I am doing other things in the mean time.

Voice File Edits: Almost finished selecting the best ones and converting them

Did you read that right? Four fights? YES! (The very first fight is very Street Fighter-esque, in that it's left and right, not much aerial)That's a lot to do and I have a small space I am supposed to cram it into. Like I said, I'm aiming for some pretty long and detailed fights. I've given some basic choreography to some of my friends (Wyld, DJBjra, Druids-Warcry, and some people not on Newgrounds) in order to help me hunt for music that's a good fit.

I'm working on it, I'm working on it, I'm working on it! My entire time is not always taken up by Call of Duty or Spore...really! Again, when will it be done? When it's finished. Don't worry, it'll be before Diablo III...anything will be done before Diablo III!


Well, I got a clean and updated version of Fighter Factory again, so I'm getting animations I wouldn't normally have, which is great.

On top of that, I have done some custom sprites and Wyldfyre1 has helped by making a few custom poses for Gohan. Honestly, I don't know how you custom sprite guys do it... It's taking me forever to get the animations to look right.

For instance, I couldn't even find an actual animation of Ken running. So, to figure it out, I watched MKvsSF 2 and 3 repeatedly to see how Proxicide did it with Ryu and Akuma. Well, I have a similar result and it looks good!

I'm almost finished with the first "battle". It's not supposed to be long and epic on purpose. Yes, I give an explanation as to why in the story. The battle is very left and right with some alpha counter style moves and super moves, but isn't very long. In short, it's very Street Fighter-esque.

SFvsDBZ: To Do/What's Done

Posted by Sunrie - October 3rd, 2009

-=Boom De Ah Dah Collab=-

It's FINALLY finished. It's FINALLY posted. Come and check it out. A lot of work, errors, and fun went in to the making of each piece.

I cannot stress how much fun this was to work on. I'm so glad that it's completed and up. The "buttons" at the beginning aren't actually buttons. They just have mouse over things which happen to them, so don't deduct points for that.

Can you believe I drew something for this? Yep, I actually drew myself and Foamy.

Don't forget to vote and review!

-=Boom De Ah Dah Collab=-


Daily 5th on the project. Thank you to everyone involved and to everyone who viewed and voted!

Posted by Sunrie - September 28th, 2009

Haha, you know, one of the most frustrating and yet enjoyable parts of doing a project is the unexpected.

The Boom De Ah Dah Collab is experiencing more delays. Hey, it's a collab, so that's to be no surprise, right? The good news is, unlike some collabs out there, the delays are necessary in order to produce a high quality animation for this community. I am very excited to see this collab completed and I guarantee that people won't be disappointed. Everything from Tank Men, to Foamy, to Bitey of Brakenwood make an appearance! Yes, all scenes, save for one, are drawn. The one section which is not drawn is done by me using sprites. Why sprites? The entire point of the collab was to spoof "The World is Awesome" video by using Newgrounds sub-culture. I drew out and animated Foamy for the first part and used sprites for the second, because, well, let's face it, sprite animations are part of Newgrounds.

As fara s the SFvsDBZ animation goes, as usual, I'm saying very little. The character and world bios are finished. I have about 2.5 seconds of the first fight done (thought not finalized with specific sounds). There's been a delay in getting some of the lines due to computer issues on the actor's part, but I can understand that. I'm getting all the really easy parts done first, like the bios and right music collected. Don't worry, I'm putting a lot of time in to this in order to show off.

That's all. You can go back to masturbating now.