Holy hell...epic sauce w/cyan pepper
This is amazing. Great speed and rhythm to it and extremely well balanced.
Holy hell...epic sauce w/cyan pepper
This is amazing. Great speed and rhythm to it and extremely well balanced.
Thanks alot, glad you liked it man :)
And thanks alot for the 9 and the support :D
Belongs in an anime style face off
Seriously reminds me of a face off in an anime, when the two are either talking about the past or about to beat each other in the face
God damn that was funnier than shit! The audio is done extremely well (no clipping, buzzing, or over modulated), and the sounds are perfectly balanced against the vocals, which are funnier than hell.
Good job!
Damn it, Druid!
That was fucking HILARIOUS and yet very well done at the same time. I want this playing on the radio in one of my animations
that be sick man
Epic sauce
Sorry I don't review your shit as much anymore, but you know how fucking busy I've been!
This is one of the best you two have done in a a while. Love it.
haha yeah, its been a while hasn't it =).
Really good and not over done
Really nice. It's not over done in a way that makes me roll my eyes. In other words, it doesn't sound like a bunch of distortion on top of distortion put through a distortion filter for the sake of sounding distorted *LOL*
This...I may use in an upcoming animation. Hell, may even find room for it in SFvsDBZ
Yeah ! I would like to see this in a game like all my others song ! Well thanks for the review :)
Yeah, wow, great job
This was amazingly entertaining and your voice acting abilities is great. I'll keep you in mind for future projects!
Wow, this means ALOT coming from YOU, Sunrie------>
Wyld talks (or talked, rather, I haven't spoken to him in like, at least a month or so) about you ALL the time. It truly means alot to have had you stopped by, give it a listen and then throw out the comment about you keeping me in mind for future projects ! ! ! !
I'm there, Man. ANYtime you need ANY kind of voicing done. Just PM and I'm at your service. Heh heh heh Oh, I'm glad you found this entertaining as well. I only wish you could have heard the full version. It's 10 X's better than this! :)
..................Take care, be good and watch out for Mario and his unlucky decisions, when it comes to what to do with that damned Shell, he finds.period
Great, light remix of awesome song
I like the variation on the piano and the light harmonies in the back. While the song isn't heavily changed from the original, there is no point to it with this style of remix.
Great for menu music.
Frighteningly catchy
This remix is scary addicting given what it was based on. Excellent job, Kaburoune!
Spanked it
Very anime / video game in the best ways possible. Though, it's also a lot more than anime or video game styling, too.
Would be excellent for a flashback scene or credits / intro roll.
Thanks a lot man! WF1 has shown me a lot of your stuff. You guys are hilarious! Thanks for the review!
Honesta mors Turpi Vita Potior
Age 44
Joined on 9/14/03