Okay...if you haven't heard this yet, you MUST hear it.
This is what happens when you come into the unofficial NG Ventrillo server:
NG Ventrillo "Momma Masturbation" - Druids-Warcry
Yeah, you, too, can participate in these stimulating conversations
Honesta mors Turpi Vita Potior
Age 44
Joined on 9/14/03
Posted by Sunrie - August 26th, 2008
Okay...if you haven't heard this yet, you MUST hear it.
This is what happens when you come into the unofficial NG Ventrillo server:
NG Ventrillo "Momma Masturbation" - Druids-Warcry
Yeah, you, too, can participate in these stimulating conversations
Posted by Sunrie - August 5th, 2008
Yes, that's right, there is now a comic available for Captain R: The Game Ranger!
The comic will follow the animations and even give a little more back story when appropriate or warranted. Be sure to check it out on DrunkDuck.com
http://www.drunkduck.com/Captain_R_The _Game_Ranger/index.php?p=441661
Posted by Sunrie - August 4th, 2008
I am so fucking sick and tired of people posting shit to the portal, knowing it's absolutely horrible shit, and then begging people to "go easy" because it's their first animation.
Guess what, fucktard? Horrible movies are going to get blammed regardless if they are your first attempts or not. There are some people who put up their first attempts and they get accepted. Why? Because it's GOOD and not just some cow shit you flung up after twenty minutes of work.
My first movie on Newgrounds was Captain R: The Game Ranger. I didn't ask for pitty, I didn't ask for people to go easy. People didn't look at it and say, "Gee, he doesn't have any other animations on Newgrounds, let's give him a good score just to show we care." FUCK NO! It got a good score because I fucking worked on it. The sprite movie was the first time I sat down and actually worked to produce something. I've gotten much better since then, and I'm very picky about what I upload.
If you know something sucks, don't waste the space. Trust me, you know if something you made sucks balls just by watching some animations on Newgrounds. Stop asking people to go easy on you and start making something worth watching. I don't mean worth watching to your fucking mothers or fathers, either. I mean something the rest of the world would find interest in!!!!
Go fuck yourselves.
Posted by Sunrie - July 18th, 2008
Captain R: The Game Ranger is currently being developed. Here's the Newgrounds.com interview for you all!
1. What is the story behind your latest creation?
At the end of the last Captain R: The Game Ranger, Ron was found in a trash bin by Sonic and Shadow. The two heroes of the Sonic the Hedgehog series carried Ron into their world where they want him to fight Evil K.
Evil K has been given a lot of power by Broly to enslave worlds. It's now up to Ron, Sonic, and Shadow to defeat Evil K before he destroys their world. Ron is really going to have to pull a win out of his butt!
Actually, you basically just said everything I wanted to say *laughs a little*
2. Who or what inspired you to begin your production?
Well a lot of inspiration went into this. Of course, a lot of things from Captain N: The Game Master. We've taken stuff....well, not really TAKEN stuff, we've used stuff we've seen from other Flash animations and kind of used the ideas to expand on what we have.
Certainly some things we always found amazing were Alvin-Earthworm's "Super Marios Bros Z" and Chrono Trigger: Unglued. During the fight with Evil K, we've tried to implement some of the ideas Alvin-Earthworm has done in his series.
3. How long have you been working on it and when do you expect to finish?
I'll take this one *laughs* We've been working on it for about two weeks at this point. Wyldfyre and I have been passing the script back and forth until it was finalized. After that, we held open auditions for various characters. Evil K was the last character we placed.
Pretty much, we'll be done when we're done!
4. We keep hearing the name Evil K. Who is Evil K? Is it Ken, Kefka, Kano...or a "K" we haven't thought of?
Well, you're going to have to watch the next one and find out! We're not giving too much information out. Even the voice actors really don't know who Evil K is. Basically, you'll see him when you see him and it's meant to be pretty funny. Personally, when we first thought it up, I laughed!
Yeah, you can't expect us to give away the biggest secret! I won't even say, "Yes", to the question, just to confuse people even more *laughs*
5. Oh, you guys tease way too much. But, back on track, do you feel this is better than your previous work? If so, why?
I hate to say it's better, because I oddly feel that means we weren't good before! *laughs a little* I know what you mean, though, and so I'll have to say, "Yes." The animation is going to run a lot more smoothly, the audio is going to be clearer, the pace is much quicker, and there's a lot more action going on.
Additionally, we have more voice actors we're working with. We had nearly thirty people audition for five parts. We weren't expecting that, to be honest. Well...at least I wasn't. We're doing some things with the animation we hadn't been able to do before because we couldn't figure it out. I'm actually really excited.
One world: Progression. I think we've progressed in many ways: As voice actors, as producers, as animators. In the long run, I think you'll like it.
6. Obviously this is the third episode, but do you still feel this is something original?
It's original in the sense that it's Captain R: The Game Ranger, and we're not going to make it anything else. You still have a cussing, balding, redneck of a hero. We're expanding on the idea and making things more professional, but it's still going to be the same tried and true Captain R.
Of course the original idea behind it isn't original. However, where we're going with it is definitely original. I think the way we put the characters together, the way we're making them sound, and everything just flows together. That's the true originality behind this project.
7. There were some obvious questions left unanswered in the last episode. Will these be explained?
Yeah, some of them to an extent. We can't give you everything in just three episodes. I think the original idea was to make this series three episodes long, but it's progressed into something MUCH bigger. Sunrie and myself would like to bring out the answers in the next few episodes after this, with a lot of hard work.
The way we do things, however, is with a question answered, there will be at least one more "asked". We'll be explaining about why Sonic kept teasing Shadow about finding the Chaos Emerald and why Shadow was having a hard time actually locating it. Don't forget you find out who Evil K is!
8. So more episodes? Excellent! Have you learned new techniques so far making this?
Absolutely, even already. I've done some animation tests and proof of concepts just to try things out, and doing just those, there were little things I learned how to do or how to do easier.
Well, of course I'm learning music left and right. I don't know if I'll be composing anything for this episode like I did for the remake of the original. As far as techniques, yeah, Sunrie has been learning a lot of things and hopefully soon I'll be able to help him. We do our best, damn it! *laughs*
9. So I take it you use other programs in addition to Flash. What ones do you use?
Paintshop Pro, Vegas 6.0 Professional, Audicity, Voco Edit Pro, or whatever it's called... I think that's all of them!
10. What has given you the most problems making this animation so far?
Knock on wood, we haven't had many. Some of the problems came with the way I was importing the sprite sheets, but I know how to correct that.
The biggest problem I think we'll run in to is keeping the file size down and both the length and quality high enough.
11. After it is all said and done, how do you think this will measure up to the other submissions on Newgrounds.com?
Being that there's only a billion, trillion, krachillion submissions on Newgrounds, it's hard to say. I think it will stand out in it's own way. Our fans, the ones who have watched from day one, will definitely stick with it. I think that's what will matter in the long run.
The original, the remake, and the second episode were very well received. I don't see anything other than people finding this one even better and spreading the word about the series. Captain R: The Game Ranger episodes continue to climb in score every day, so I'm sure it will do just fine.
12. Are there any final thoughts or anything else you'd like to say?
Besides watch or die? *laughs* This episode is going to showcase a lot of what has been learned and get people cheering, I think. We're not trying to be Super Mario Bros Z or anything like that. We're being Captain R: The Game Ranger with more spit shine and polish. So, check it out, bitches!
Yeah, watch the fucking movie! If you haven't seen the other episodes, go watch those. Listen to my music, too. It's upon the Newgrounds.com Audio Portal. Oh, and world peace is good....uh...yeah!
Posted by Sunrie - January 15th, 2008
While the Alphas still seem to be messed up, preventing me and others from uploading any kind of preview there, I figured that I could at least get the information up on here.
1. What is the story behind your latest creation?
The barriers on the worlds have been shattered, war has erupted, and now Princess Willow is backed into a corner. Everyone's last chance is to use an ancient ritual to summon the Game Ranger.
Sitting at home, playing his SNES, Ron Keen is suddenly pulled into the videogame world and approached by a fairy. After being filled in on the world's condition, Ron Keen is forced into the role as the Game Ranger against his will.
Can Ron fulfill his duties, get the girl, and make it home, or will he just cause further complications?
2. Who or what inspired you to begin your production?
Well, obviously the original Captain N: The Game Master was a huge inspiration. Outside of that, things like Super Mario Bros Z and Chrono Trigger: Unglued helped with ideas.
3. How long have you been working on it, and when do you expect to finish?
This was actually started last October, but due to computer complications, there's been a month and a half pause.
We hope to finish this by February 2008 and get it out for people to enjoy.
4. Do you feel that this is better than your previous work? If so, why?
Oh, this is incredibly better than the previous work.
As the animator, I've personally learned many new techniques from doing the Phoenix Wrong animations and the Captain R: The Game Ranger 2.
We're using original music, edited sprites, bigger battles, and better camera effects.
5. Do you feel that this is something original? What have you done to make your creation different?
It's a parody, so it's not all that original.
What we've done to make the creation different is give the characters their own personalities and quarks. How many other series do you know that has a cussing redneck as the hero who is told to save the world with nothing more than the name of the person to save?
6. What has given you the most difficulty during the development process of your new creation?
It's definitely been finding the time and working on a computer that isn't built with the power of my gaming rig to complete this. Also, getting the voice files from some of the actors provided a real challenge as they don't all have the time off when we were ready.
In addition, the person who does the voice for Princess Willow is a first time voice actress, so it was difficult and slightly embarrassing for her to get the files right.
7. Have you learned new techniques from making this, and do you plan to use them in the future?
Oh, I've definitely learned new things from this animation. Things that I've learned while making it is applied in later scenes.
8. Besides Flash, did you pull any other programs into the mix to deliver your desired effect?
Well, we've used Fruity Loops and Vegas Professional 6.0
9. How do you feel this creation will measure up to other submissions on Newgrounds?
We're not in it to compete with other people, we're in it to entertain people.
10. Any final thoughts or anything else you would like to say?
Hope it's accepted as well as the original Game Ranger (currently at 4.12) and gets the recognition we're hoping for.
Here's the images:
The Army Gathers
Willow at the Summoning Chamber
Posted by Sunrie - January 15th, 2008
Well, as of December 18th I'm finally done with all my basic law enforcement POST stuff. I graduated with the Overall Achievment Award, meaning I'm ranked 1 in the academy, and spanked the POST test.
Quite a few people are pissed at me because I beat them out on the ranking, and there's even one that's trying to try and ruin my chances, but the departments know what's really going on.
All that is left to do is finish up my process with one deparrtment, which owns.
Posted by Sunrie - November 20th, 2007
Well, I started a webcomic using sprites. You can see where I learned how to do things in Flash much better each time as you view the pages. You can find it in two places:
Posted by Sunrie - November 15th, 2007
Well, looks like my stressing was all for nothing. Spanked the firearms test (spanked the firearms qualification for that matter), spanked general topics, general law, and got an 80% of specific law.
Had the Law Enforcement Career Fair and I have four departments wanting me right now, so that's all great. Of those, two in particular I'm rather interested, so I am setting up the ride along/interview for Monday with one of them. Kick ass