I am so fucking sick and tired of people posting shit to the portal, knowing it's absolutely horrible shit, and then begging people to "go easy" because it's their first animation.
Guess what, fucktard? Horrible movies are going to get blammed regardless if they are your first attempts or not. There are some people who put up their first attempts and they get accepted. Why? Because it's GOOD and not just some cow shit you flung up after twenty minutes of work.
My first movie on Newgrounds was Captain R: The Game Ranger. I didn't ask for pitty, I didn't ask for people to go easy. People didn't look at it and say, "Gee, he doesn't have any other animations on Newgrounds, let's give him a good score just to show we care." FUCK NO! It got a good score because I fucking worked on it. The sprite movie was the first time I sat down and actually worked to produce something. I've gotten much better since then, and I'm very picky about what I upload.
If you know something sucks, don't waste the space. Trust me, you know if something you made sucks balls just by watching some animations on Newgrounds. Stop asking people to go easy on you and start making something worth watching. I don't mean worth watching to your fucking mothers or fathers, either. I mean something the rest of the world would find interest in!!!!
Go fuck yourselves.